My Top University Accident

Here is a project I made for one of the very top universities in Finland, Aalto University.

I didn't make the shoe, but I did make the shoe box. Now I am simply waiting for my doctoral degree to drop from the skies. I am not even enrolled, only my sister is, who studies textile arts there. But I'm sure if I just wait around, a degree will fall onto my arms. After all, that's how the universe started in the first place - accidentally, things just banged. Following this logic, surely I'll get my PhD accidentally as well.

LOL. Isn't it that we never live as if things happen by accident. If someone does live in that mentality, they will be considered nuts. Our minds are constantly making plans how to achieve something in the future. So how can anyone make sense out of the theory that the universe started 'by accident' when Nothing Else in this universe adheres to that logic, but is quite the opposite instead? Just some thoughts that came into my head as I was helping my sister with her class project.

So what do you think of my academic debut in the form of this fabulously simplistic mod-vintage-shoe box? Or the accident vs. intelligence discussion?

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