Cosplay Linkspam, 1 August 2011

Are you tired of hearing about ComicCon, yet? Good. Because we’ve got more cosplay photos from SDCC than you can shake a lightsaber at, plus a few other tidbits.

First, and most importantly, we have Venture-related links featuring our beloved Sabine, because she is awesome and looked totally fierce.
Here she is in the LAWeekly slide show.
And just peaking in on the second image in this post on io9. (The interview is also pretty hilarious, even if you're not a Venture fan, though perhaps not as funny as this one.)

IMDB has a great gallery of all kinds of SDCC pics here.

Movieline did a series of interviews with cosplayers throughout the con, but the best by far is The Littlest Hit Girl.

Finally, if you’re looking for all kinds of SDCC news, updates, and stories, LiveJournal has a community dedicated to the world’s largest nerdfest here.

LAWeekly also has a list of convention “Dos and Don’ts” for fans. The article is specifically aimed at us Venturoos, but it’s generally applicable to fans of just about anything. Read it here.

In other cosplay news, if you’re looking for costuming inspiration, I ran across this list of awesome women in science fiction. It’s limited, but very retro and mentions a few I wouldn’t have thought of. My next costuming project is going to be Rachel from Blade Runner, so keep your eyes peeled. See the list here.

In another blast from the past, courtesy of the lovely Harumania (who is a brilliant artist and you should follow her on twitter) we have an older post from the 4chan boards with a metric shit ton of costuming tutorials. It is, in fact, SFW, unlike many other things on 4chan. Check it out here.

That's all for today. Stay tuned for more cosplay news and Sabine's SDCC round-up!


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