I consider this a "healthy" tangent because hey! I get to practice my ...sculpting. Especially since I've never used Super Sculpey before, and I expected customizing my Munny to be incredibly hard. It actually was not as hard as I thought it was, but I didn't take any progress photos because I was too busy trying to figure out how to work w/ the Sculpey. I can tell you how I made the hair though--using a pair of embroidery scissors! Don't do that. I have a very expensive pair =_=. If you have anything with a very sharp tip--even cheap beard trimmers or a CHEAP pair of embroidery scissors, you can use those. Well, I have no regrets. "Cutting" into the sculpey (I cut "V" shapes) made the hair process so much easier. I did use my sculpting tools to smooth out and touch up each tuft of hair though. I used smaller "V" shapes as I got closer to his hairline at the back.
In hindsight I should have used actual gauze for his bandaged hand (for a better effect), but... if I ever decide to make another Munny of the Kid, I'll be sure to do so.
Because I sculpted directly onto my Munny, I didn't feel safe baking it in the oven. I did some research and it seemed like boiling was a good option even though people have stated that boiling doesn't fully "cure" the sculpey. That may be true but it was no longer soft for me after all the boiling I did (for the small pieces I boiled them for about 20-30 minutes, look at the Kid do the backstroke! I boiled him for a little over an hour). Maybe if it deteriorates after 5 years I'll write a follow-up blog post then.
I sanded down some of the rough edges, broken edges (there were a few) after the sculpey had cured. I sanded for quite a while--3 hours, or so.... Had to touch up some of the hair with air-drying clay. I used Activa la doll Premier lightweight stone clay. Really soft and easy to use, dries pretty quickly compared to DAS clay (what I usually use).
I used acrylic paint for this kid. I painted all the surfaces white before applying any of the colors.
I also "weathered" his armor--it makes a big difference even though these pieces are all really small. I used a small piece of paper towel tipped in some black paint, and wiped it quickly across the armor.
^Before weathering 
^After weathering
For the final touches I cut a piece of red cotton fabric for his bandanna and some ribbon for the gear on his back.
Aaaaaand being the obsessive fan that I am, I went and painted the whole damn Munny box as well. I uh... guess I got a bit carried away with this project T_T

Pay no attention to the parts of another Munny in the background...T_T 

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For the final touches I cut a piece of red cotton fabric for his bandanna and some ribbon for the gear on his back.
Aaaaaand being the obsessive fan that I am, I went and painted the whole damn Munny box as well. I uh... guess I got a bit carried away with this project T_T
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