Do You Give Roses or Throw Bricks?

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Many years ago I read a book by Bhakti Tirtha Swami. I never forgot one point he made. He advised the reader to examine their consciousness while interacting with someone. The words you speak, the intention you have, your body language, the tone of your email, the look in your eyes... Energywise, it all comes down to this: you are either giving someone a rose, or you are throwing a brick at them.
When was the last time I threw a brick at someone and what can I do about it now? How could I have given a rose instead? I’m sure we’ve all had our share of bricks thrown at us. But there are people in our lives that we know will always give us a rose. 
I think my hubby gets the most bricks from me. Just two days ago I got pissed off at him. He was disappointed (and rightly so) that I didn’t offer to help him with some car repair stuff. I got offended and eventually said, “Shut up!” and walked out of the conversation. THAT was a brick. 
Instead, I could have let go of the ego a little bit and said rosier things like:
  • “Yeah, I understand you feel disappointed.”
  • “I really don’t like car repair stuff. But I should help you anyway - I know you don’t like it either.”
  • “I didn’t realize you needed my help so much. Sorry.”
We solved the situation later and I apologized. But I remember some bricks I’ve gotten in my life that still kind of hurt when I think about them - brick throwing is no joke.