I roamed around the sunny but snowy Helsinki and got a few things a several things all the things I've been dreaming of for months now (that will remain secret for now hee hee). Well after the craziest shopping splurge in my life ever I tried to reduce my consumerism footprint and had a soulful session at the busy Helsinki subway station. With Kaisu we sat down in a nice spot, on warm blankets we brought, and played jouhikko (that Kaisu played here too), drum and harmonium and chanted Hare Krishna and sang some Native American music. We had Krishna books and magazines out too. You know, the usual, ever-expanding, ever-fresh total bliss.

I must say chanting is more satisfying than shopping. But new clothes are fun too of course. Until they get old and you get bored and want some new ones again. Pretty temporary pleasure. But repeatable. I guess that's the problem - material attachments that bring you back again and again, life after life, to run after things that won't indefinitely satisfy you anyway. Somehow my desires are not on the same level with my brain. Hmmmm... Aummm.... :D
At the station we bumped into Kaisu's friend at an interesting heroin spot (see the text on the board). Helsinki representing.
A moment earlier Kaisu had found a fascinating rock.