Foretaste of Decepticon femme humanforms

We made a record today! For the first time in our cosplay history we had a official photoshoot prior to wearing the costumes at convention. We headed out to the heat this afternoon with our ladyfied Decepticons and had the most pleasant shoot to date. Not because of the weather, we nearly fried, but thanks to Karan who worked as our photographer. Thank you a thousand times and few more to go with the rest! The photos turned out better than I ever expected! Also our location was most suitable for the shoot. Thanks to Yoki for that one!

I will make a full photoshoot post after the weekend, but here is one for a sneak peek. Enjoy!

Photo taken by Karan.

Fieldes have eies and woods have eares :: Nature Girl Kaisu

I always tell my sisters to take millions of photos and send them to me and just yesterday Kaisu emailed me all these pics of her and the Finland summer. Love them so much. Good dear. My stars. This dose of perfectly natural beauty and spirit is a good balance from yesterday's Lolita post too :) And how I envy the Finnish summer weather right now - she's wearing a woollen hoodie she knitted (out of wool she dyed) - impossible here in the sauna of American summer!

Collecting herbs and showing one to mom who took the picture.

Eagle feather.

Hare's tail cottongrass and the sea.

Carrying stones and herbs on her nature faerie explorations.

The haul.

The elf.

Kaisu playing jouhikko, ancient Finnish instrument in a t-shirt I used to wear and I remember it was down to my ankles. Just see the benefits of being the youngest sister that she is, you really get to recycle! The video is about four leaved clovers and she wrote in the description how a person searching for them will notice that if you find one, you're likely to find many other four leaved clovers in the same area. Whether this is genetic or caused by the environment, remains a debate.

Alright, the clothes just finished drying, I'm in a New Mexican laundromat and now off to Nevada! I'll leave you with this 500 year old quote I love.

"Fieldes have eies and woods have eares." John Heywood, 1565

Lolita Style :: or anime or cosplay or whatever it is

I don't really know anything about lolita, anime or manga - when I think of those words, mainly cartoon images of fluffy creatures and big eyed people come to mind. I suppose there's more to it. However, I love the lolita style of dressing that I sometimes see in the streets. It's so fantastic and extravagantly imaginative. These are some cool images I've had on my laptop for a while in my 'pretty things to look at' file. Doesn't everyone have a file like that?! I'd like to get a peek into your files :)

How coincidental actually - I ran into a Goodwill second hand store today for 4 minutes before they closed and found two cute skirts, a long pink one and another shorter light blue one with lace. They will totally go together in a lolita-like feel :) I just wish it wasn't so hot out every single day so I could play more with clothes. Now it just has to be something tiny and practical every day which is getting boooriing. I miss my layers. I guess this pic of me is a bit lolita-ish.

Ok I wikied lolita fashion and found out there are Sweet Lolita, Classic Lolita, Gothic Lolita, and many other style categories. Most of the pics I have here would probably fall under 'sweet'. Here's an example of the gothic. (My other dress here is quite dark lolita don't you think!)

Ok that's it for my midnight ramblings. I'm trying to stay up all night so I can again sleep all day tomorrow and then drive 14 hours to Las Vegas for Thursday's Warped Tour show. What a sane life I lead :D

Vincent Nightray Cosplay Costume

This is finishing shoots of Vincent Nightray from Pandora Hearts cosplay costume.
This costume made with American drill fabric and shantung for the lining

Desert Punk (Kanta Mizuno) Cosplay Progress Shoots

This is the first progress shoots of Deser Punk cosplay costume.

Krishna Sun Rising in the Heart

"Just like fog is immediately, I mean to say, moved, simply by sunrise. Sunrise. Just like this is night, darkness. In the morning, as soon as there will be sunrise, there will be no more darkness. Immediately all thousands and millions of miles of darkness immediately moved. So try to make Krishna surya - the sun, Krishna - rise in your heart, and everything will be solved." A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Good morning Sir Tree! I drove all night through Texas and took a few pics right when the Sun rose. We are entering New Mexico, the next state over towards west, in 30 minutes. Change of plans: not going to Electric Forest in Michigan this week, instead going to California. The desert is beautiful. When the sun came up and I saw the prairiedesert dryness, vastness and distant mountains, I just kept grinning and almost started crying. Love nature.

"Man's heart away from nature becomes hard." Standing Bear


Suara tetesan air itu sudahterdengar hampir dua bulanan ini. Tapi entah mengapa aku selalu suka itu.Terkadang dengan hingar bingarnya penghuni kontrakan dan tetangga sebelah,suara itu malah justru bisa menenangkan pikiranku. Sebenarnya kerannya bisasaja diganti, tapi sampai hari ini masih dibiarkan begitu saja oleh pemiliknya.Aku jadi teringat akan perkataan dosenku “Suara percikan air dan gesekan daunbambu itu adalah suara-suara yang dapat menenangkan”. Dan entah mengapa dikalalamunanku yang ditemani suara tetesan air itu, aku sering membayangkan suaradaun bambu yang saling bergesakan.

Sewaktu SDdulu, di belakang sekolah kami banyak terdapat rimbunan pohon bambu.  Aku suka sekali dengan suara dedaunan ituyang tertiup oleh angin. Tapi aku paling malas ketika harus membersihkanguguran dedauan itu saat giliran piket menyapu di kelas. Diantara banyaknyarimbunan bambu tersebut, ada satu rimbunan yang lebat yang terdapat di sudutbelakang sekolah. Kami sering dilarang bermain disitu. Karena menurut kabarburung ada ular yang bersarang disitu. Sebagai bocah SD, tentu saja kamipenasaran tentang kebenarannya. Tapi tetap saja tidak ada yang berani beranibermain di dekat situ. Sampai rimbunan itu dibabat habis pun, kami tidakkunjung melihat adanya ular disitu. Jadi sampai sekarang aku hanya menganggapkabar burung itu hanya diciptakan untuk menakut-nakuti kami saja.

Selain suara dedaunannya, akupaling suka melihat rimbunan bambu hijau seperti yang sering muncul difilm-film kungfu. Kalau saja aku yang berada disitu, pasti akan sulit sekaliuntuk keluar, seperti sedang berada di dalam labirin. Haha imajinasi apa itu?

Aku jadi teringat dengan dongengtentang sebuah keluarga yang sudah lama tidak dikaruniai seorang anak, akhirnyamendapatkan seorang bayi di batang bambu yang ditebang suaminya. Hmm…sebenarnya aku sudah lupa bagaimana cerita jelasnya. Tapi sewaktu SD, akusempat mempercayai dongeng itu, seperti kalian yang percaya bahwa bayi itudibawa oleh burung bangau.

Tapi aku kurang suka dengan bambumuda yang sering dijadikan sayur itu. Rebung atau apalah itu namanya. Aku tidaksuka dengan aromanya. Amisnya melebihi aroma udang menurutku.

Hmm…. Jadi ingin mendengar suaradedaunan itu saat ini, apalagi ditemani the hangat dan pisang goreng.  

*senin malam, di kamar kontrakan yang pengap

Lace and Skirts

KOGU Reina has opened her store in Kodama no Ki!

She makes outfits and accessories for the Japanese girl that wants to stand out: goth-loli, maid, school uniform, etc. So many dresses in a good variety of colors, at a reasonable price. Shown below is an overview of her items; there is more.
Head to her place in Kodama no Ki to check out the rest!

Casualty Cosplay, mobilize!

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Room name: Casualty Cosplay's costume crafting corner...

Two active members, one visitor...

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Yoki: The prints are done. Now we only need to fill the gaps.

Hiron: What gaps? Where? In the insignia?

Yoki: Yeah, the stencil is not perfect.

Hiron: *stares at the picture of the insignia, then the stencil* Is it bad that I don't see the difference?

Yoki: *watches how Hiron puts on the black gloves* ..That's so creepy.

Hiron: *Megatron's voice* Come here Starscream, we got some unfinished businesses~.

Yoki: *Starscream's voice* Slagging no...

Hiron: Seriously, you need to learn how to pose like a lady. Look, twist your body like this and make a curve. *gives an example*

Yoki: Umm, like this? *tries to mimic and fails, totally*

Hiron: Okay... Good... Now loads of practice with that!

Yoki: If they could hold hands?

Hiron: ..Is the inner fangirl getting loose?

Yoki: I've no idea what you are talking about...

-yoki, out

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