My Last Post for the Year 2011

I’ll end this wonderful year bywriting a blog post. First off, my next cosplay: Gogo Yubari.

Black Mamba VS Gogo Yubari
Kill Bill Volume 1

The photo above is the scene I am going to portray (hopefully) this coming MCTV Movie Mania (To know more about the event, click here). 
This is how I completed my cosplay. I will write a comprehensive tutorial in the future for those of you who wants to cosplay this character, too.

Cosplay in progress: Gogo Yubari
1st photo: Me wearing the completed costume. Recycled a blazer and white shirt from a previous cosplay. No tweaking needed! It has the color of Gogo's coat and buttons.
L-R: a) The raw materials for the mace. Styroball and 2 dog's leashes. I joined the leashes together and attached a short PVC pipe for the handle. The styroball melted when my dad spray-painted it. I'll get a new styroball soon. Lesson learned! 
        b) The bow tie! I made it using my accessory-making skills. LOL. It was pretty easy since mom taught me how to do it years ago.
        c) The skirt! Used one meter of fabric. Mom made it! 

I started early in preparing for the event since I know that I will be very busy this January. A huge wave of quizzes and requirements coming!

Cee's Cosplay 2011

I started cosplaying and blogging this year. Met wonderful otaku friends to share my interests with and got closer to my family. Plus, wonderful gifts this Christmas. I would like to thank God for all of these, my family, friends and to YOU! Thank you for being a part of my life. 

Thank you for reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012~!

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