EVENT: Movie Mania 2012

To all Zamboanga Otakus, I'll be going to the MCTV Movie Mania this coming January 28, 2012. But I am going to arrive late (lol) so please don't go home early. I wanna see you guys. :D

 My article on this event

I am going to feature this event in the Otaku House blogs. So please pose in front of my camera.
I'll be going as someone who has an excuse to be a crazy-ass girl. Been waiting to act like that!
To those who want to register as a cospalyer or just as a con-goer, go to Chinz Variety Shoppe or the Mindanao Cable office.

So who are you going as, Cee?
I am going as... drumroll... GOGO YUBARI from Kill Bill!

Gogo Yubari of Kill Bill

So yeah, she's a crazy girl with a mace in a Japanese school uniform. I'll be making my own costume and weapon so wish me luck!

See you there!

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