My Teenage Poetry Project with a Hooping Omen

I was going through my old stuff here in Finland and found an old high school poetry project, along with some photos and drawings. This is the cover of my poem collection, it just says "Poems", and a few nostalgic pics I came across:

I made the poems in the following pic by circling out cool words and phrases in our math book, to form a poem when you read only the circled words of one page. Needless to say my math grades were incredibly low, if I happened to pass the courses at all. But my Finnish class was consistently A+, LOL!

Do you see that cosmic love hooper in the middle?!?! Now this was very early 2000's, I was 17 or something here, and had never even heard of hoopdance, what to speak of seeing it. What an omen! Maybe I should make this my hooping logo or something? :)

A more recent funny little thing I wrote:

"Hoop like no one's watching,
Hoop right from the heart.
Twirl and spin! Without, within!
Hoop from star to star!"

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