This Is Love

"This is love. And if God accepts your offerings, then what more do you want? He becomes your most intimate friend. If you make God your intimate friend, then there is nothing wanted. You'll be fulfilled. You'll find that I have got everything.

And if we become convinced that Krishna is my protector, then how much happy and peaceful we will be. Offer something. Just be in love with Him. Then just see how much peaceful you feel. 

How much tranquility you feel and how you are protected by Krishna, how you avoid insufficiency, how you become pure, and how you make progress in spiritual life." 

words from Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

I was just at a laundromat and talked with a guy about places worth visiting here in Oregon. He told me he took once part in a meditation circle of 10 000 people, all chanting om, and the experience "nearly knocked him down". I can imagine! 

As we were talking, another guy came up to me with a CD called Bhakti which means devotion in Sanskrit (and is also my name ahem). He said he plays guitar and made a recording of songs about Krishna, heard me talk about Krishna, and so wanted to give me a copy of his album. Sweet! 

He had brought his guitar to the laundromat so he played and we both sang Hare Krishna and other mantras until 1am. Other nightly laundry-washers seemed pleasantly surprised by our unexpected concert. :)

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