I Woke Up in Finland Today

I arrived in Finland yesterday and my sister Minna gave me a pretty Egyptian hand jewelry made by some beduin fairies. She also brought back this head thing I wore yesterday. For the plane I premeditated to go with a gothic look so that it would be kind of a double whammy for the people sitting next to me since my plane reading was the Quran. Yeah I know this may not be funny but I just think it is. "Will she kill us all or not?" Hee hee :D

BTW I love what I read so far in the Quran, it's really good. Just a few pages into it it talks about vegetarianism and reincarnation, I noticed. Hmmm!

So how do I know I'm home, in the house where I grew up, surrounded by the loveliest funniest realest people? I woke up this morning and walked to the kitchen and saw donuts in the toaster. That's how.

Kaisu sister made them from scratch, froze some of them, and now evidently wanted to melt a couple. Here's my mom Heini. Who shares a love for baggy green pants just as I do. She's looking at a mess I already made with my suitcase and stuff.

Kaisu is a teaholic and made me meadowsweet tea this morning. She picks all kinds of flowers and herbs that grow wild, dries them and jars them. I'm still trying to wake up. One word: jetlag.

Oh and Kaisu made this most beautiful welcome for my Krishna deities that I always bring with me, serve and take care of wherever I travel. When I got here yesterday Kaisu was still at school so I went to her room where she has a little altar to put my Deities there. And saw these cute little hoods that she made so my deities would stay warm in chilly Finland! ♥ And a bowl of laddu sweets was also waiting for Them. Awww :)

Here's her whole beautiful devotional altar, in the corner of her room.

Ok I'm going to go see some relatives and grandparents right now, first stop by at a hardware store to buy tubing to make a hoop for myself, and a friend too actually, and anyone who wants a hoop in Finland, let me know! And tonight I'll go fairyspotting. I'll bring my camera so you all can get a peak too.

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