Song :: Free Space :: Float Away

Yesterday at Eye's Gallery a girl saw my bindi and asked if we sold them. I was working with James and we both thought this girl was a total burst of sunshine and full of wonderful positive energy. When she left we all hugged, and James and I got her number so we can hang out <3

It was also the first day at work for Angel whom I got for Christmas from my friend Carole.

Angel had an eventful day and she handled it all very celestially. Though she was a bit upset that we don't have this bracelet in her size:

So today the girl I met in the store, Sandie, and me were supposed to hoop in a park together but it rained pretty much all day and we ended up having kirtana at my place :)

We had so much fun we figured we should be a band. The name we came up for our band in about seven seconds is...The Flowter Seastars. Because don't we just look like we're floating away, into blissful meditational spheres? And are we not sisters with princess mermaid fairysparkle tendencies -- Seastars! Hahah! 

We made a song too, the main music is by James (his Tumblr), lyrics by me, and singing by...who other than... The Flowter Seastars?!! Of course the song is not finished yet, we gave it back to James who will add some magicalness to it with his touch. But here's where it's at right now:

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