How I Feel About Drugs and Spirituality

Often when I talk with people about meditation the question of drugs comes up. Many describe how the psychedelics help them open their mind to new perspectives, push the boundaries of their understanding, and reach higher and higher meditative states. (Check out this website with drawings from a guy who took LSD and made portraits throughout the trip - they get interesting!) Obviously, your perception changes on drugs. And after the drug leaves your system, your perception pretty much returns to how it was before the experience.

Our senses cannot perceive spirit
The problem with drugs and spirituality is that spirit is different from matter. Although spirit has variety, it is anti-matter and not perceivable by our material senses - sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. We do not really have an entrance into spirit with anything we experience this world through; our senses, mind, or even the intelligence. Spiritual realizations and experiences are blessings that are given to us when we demonstrate sincere desire and effort to receive them. They are not something we can gatecrash our way into by any material means. Matter simply cannot "reach" spirit.

I have heard so many stories how people feel drugs have benefited them on their journey. But also I have heard even more stories of how at some point they realized that this is not necessary - it is actually more of a distraction. Basically, if spirituality is what you really want, you don't need drugs. If what you want is fascinating experiences of the reality melting before your eyes and trips that knock your socks off and then some, drugs may do that for you.

There is an element of selfishness in drug use
I don't have a problem with people doing what they want as long as common sense is involved. But I have a problem with people saying that drugs and spirituality go together. I understand that anything can inspire someone to begin or deepen their journey and that's fine. But an element of selfishness easily sneaks into drug use even if your intention is to widen your perspectives and grow as a person. 

You are indulging in something external and material with the expectations that this will give you something great. All you need is within you already, maybe dormant, but it's still there. And by thinking that you need drugs to access the truth, you are actually covering the truth that much more.

Galileo Galilei says it well
I don't know how popular this post will make me in certain scenes :) I don't mean to get on anybody's case, I'm just sharing my thoughts on a question I hear often. What do you think?

This pic is not perfectly related but just to lighten up: I met these guys a while back and they didn't mind me taking a kind of a funny pic of them with gear. I thought the quote just somehow goes well with it.

Say no to dumb things

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