Top 3 Cancer Causing Things FYI & Junk Food MP3 Download

I talked to a stranger again. This 50-something gentleman in the library, Mark, sits opposite to me working on his laptop. A pretty wide screened laptop, looks expensive. It turns out he's an old hippie but has "reformed on the outside". He's visiting from northern California where he lives and grows vegetables. And pot, if I heard correctly. He kind of whispered that one. He told me of a study made by the American Academy of Scientists. The top three cancer causing things in America are:

1. Tobacco products.
2. Non-organic food. (!!!!!!!)
3. Living in a new house, apartment or mobile home because of toxic gases from the chemical formaldehyde which is used in glues (in plywood for example), the foam in chairs, and in many other places.

(These are of course physical things, I think there could be a lot said about psychological causes of dis-ease as well.)

He showed me a few tricks on how to download stuff quicker. He was downloading Pride and Prejudice. Aren't those, by the way, the exact two things that sometimes stop me from talking to strangers although I feel like it? He liked the stickers on my laptop. He became inspired to put a sticker on his that says 'No GMO'. A great idea!

Wookiefoot stage show. They always have hoopers too.
There's a SUPER AWESOME song called Junk Food by Wookiefoot that touches on these topics. Download it here. My gift to you. Merry Christmas. Hope Wookiefoot won't mind. But it's too good for not everyone on the planet to hear it. "OMG it's the GMO!"

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