WikiLeaks, and Why It Matters

This is a post written by Eternal Voyager, published on Hoopcity. Please take action (sign the petition, for example) and tell your friends about this!
don't know whether you guys have been following the story of Wikileaks. Even if you normally don't care much about politics, please take a minute to read this because the outcome of this will really affect the future we will live in. The fight to destroy Wikileaks is a fight against democracy and transparency. If Wikileaks loses and we don't do anything against it, the world is seriously frakked. There are small things you can do to help Wikileaks (end of post), but first for those of you who haven't been following the story:

"Wikileaks aims at being a safe place for airing documentation of corporate or governmental misdeeds. It is a safe haven for anyone, anywhere in the world, to submit sensitive information that can then be read by the public, with the ultimate aims being transparency and justice through public communication."

People can anonymously upload documents that they feel need a bigger audience. Many of these documents are highly classified, and often reveal shocking truths. Here are some examples:

In a recent series of events Wikileaks has been branded as a terrorist organisation and charged with espionage and treason among other things. The reasons for this is that it has revealed many illegal activities of the US government, for example their diplomats spy on their allies as well as on UN workers (highly illegal). The US govt is doing everything possible to suppress and destroy Wikileaks, and putting enormous pressure on Switzerland (where Assange, the founder of Wikileaks currently is). Assange is also getting death threaths, some targeted at his children.

US Military personnel and anyone working (or wanting to work) in the govt are threatened to not read the Wikileaks. The US govt is talking about cracking down on the free internet and starting to censor it.

Want to know more ?
The UK Guardian has a fantastic blog about Wikileaks:
Lots of interesting and anarchistic content on
You can also follow it on Facebook
Or Twitter # cablegate, #Assange or #WikiLeaks

How you can help:
  • Sign the petition to stop the crackdown against WikiLeaks
  • Boycott Amazon and Paypal, and let them know why. (Hint: because Amazon has stopped hosting Wikileaks and Paypal has cut off its donations). Strangely, Amazon is not above making money from the whole thing:
  • Spread the word, online and offline.
  • Change your profile pic on FB to this:
  • Set up a mirror site, if you own a server. Wikileaks is losing hosting sites, and to counter this it is asking people to set up mirror sites all over the world.
  • Participate in a protest:
  • Light a candle for the victims of the crimes that Wikileaks has revealed
  • Send good energy to the Assange and Bradley Manning, the guy that is imprisoned under accusations of leaking documents.

"Revealing crimes committed by the State or its agents (under the euphemism of "State secrets") does not hurt American interests, endanger American lives, nor is it treasonous or otherwise criminal. What hurts American interests, continually endangers Americans both at home and abroad, and is criminal to the highest degree, is committing those crimes in the first place."

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