Fieldes have eies and woods have eares :: Nature Girl Kaisu

I always tell my sisters to take millions of photos and send them to me and just yesterday Kaisu emailed me all these pics of her and the Finland summer. Love them so much. Good dear. My stars. This dose of perfectly natural beauty and spirit is a good balance from yesterday's Lolita post too :) And how I envy the Finnish summer weather right now - she's wearing a woollen hoodie she knitted (out of wool she dyed) - impossible here in the sauna of American summer!

Collecting herbs and showing one to mom who took the picture.

Eagle feather.

Hare's tail cottongrass and the sea.

Carrying stones and herbs on her nature faerie explorations.

The haul.

The elf.

Kaisu playing jouhikko, ancient Finnish instrument in a t-shirt I used to wear and I remember it was down to my ankles. Just see the benefits of being the youngest sister that she is, you really get to recycle! The video is about four leaved clovers and she wrote in the description how a person searching for them will notice that if you find one, you're likely to find many other four leaved clovers in the same area. Whether this is genetic or caused by the environment, remains a debate.

Alright, the clothes just finished drying, I'm in a New Mexican laundromat and now off to Nevada! I'll leave you with this 500 year old quote I love.

"Fieldes have eies and woods have eares." John Heywood, 1565

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