How to Find Cool Furniture :: SEE MY ROOM!!

About a week ago I moved to Philadelphia, right. When I carried all my stuff in the room I'm renting I realized I didn't have any shelves to put any of my stuff in. There's one closet but it filled up quickly. Considering my budget, I decided to head to the nearby Ikea to buy one or two cheap, sterile and boring looking flimsy excuses of a shelf.

Philip was still here helping me move in and we got into the van. He remembered seeing something by the side of the road earlier. It was pouring rain but after just driving two or three blocks, he spotted it. Three perfectly awesome, antique and beautiful pieces of furniture, left there for the garbage truck to pick up. We got out in the rain, got soaked, and scored all the furniture I needed for my room. So. Thank you to Whomever is in charge of this arrangement. Thank you Philip and Lex for carrying it all upstairs to my room.

In short, here is how to find cool furniture:

1. Keep your eyes open.
2. Get lucky.
3. Have someone help you carry it.
4. Say 'thank you'.
5. :)
Here are some, ahem, stylishly grainy pictures of my nest.

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