We Survived Hurricane Irene :: and were prepared too

First of all, my sympathy goes to people who were/are negatively affected by the hurricane. But in my neighborhood everything is fine, it just rained a lot. However, my roommate Lex suggested that like good citizens, we go through the check list given on TV news, emergency agencies, radio, newspapers and internet to make sure we are properly prepared for Irene.

Fill a bathtub with water - CHECK

Get cash and important documents - CHECK

Get blankets/pillows - CHECK

Get fully charged phones - CHECK

Get toiletries - CHECK (?)

Keep a tool set with you during the storm - CHECK

Get toys, books and games - CHECK

How was your hurricane experience? I know it must have been worse for my mom in Finland than for me here since the news around the world really painted a doomy prediction of it. But at least in South Philadelphia, all is well, and was the whole time. Thankfully.

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