Collage I Made of Things That I Love

I made this collage for the IHEART Project. Micaela from The Drifter and the Gypsy will make an e-book that contains a whole bunch more of these from people who signed up for her project. The topic was simple: IHEART - things that you love, or, heart.

So as you can see I tried to fit all types of aspects of my heartingfulness into this. You'll see a hooper chick, if you look closely. And of course, some compulsory fairy magic, a passage from the Bhagavad-gita, dance, meditation, Earth, and some pretty things, etc. Just click on it and you'll see it bigger.

Oh and yes, I heart YOU too :)

My beloved husband (who just happened to call me as I took this pic) dumpsterdived me 10 brand new lipsticks recently. So I've been experimenting today. I'm actually wearing skinny jeans, and a gray shirt I found somewhere, and that's it. In other words, I'm wearing normal clothes. It feels so strange. It feels like I'm wearing a costume. No fairyish nothing. Not even legwarmers of any kind. Just totally normal and boring and it's kind of exciting. I feel like an undercover. Not really sure undercover what though.

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